Lots of people don’t understand taxes and lots of others think they’ll end up rich someday and then it will affect them.
Lots of people don’t understand taxes and lots of others think they’ll end up rich someday and then it will affect them.
No one can argue that 64gb of storage holds more music than 4gb of storage but 4gb still holds hundreds of songs.
I’m in Louisiana. We have inspections but I don’t believe the actually matter. Take a quick walk through any parking lot and you’ll find tons of cars that have both valid stickers and glaringly obvious problems that should keep them off the road.
The only concern I would have is if one jug is older than the other. Milk doesn’t have a long shelf life.
And when people get or almost killed by an animal it is the animal’s fault instead of the idiot who created the situation.
…definitely shows its age now…
What I’m hearing is we need someone to make Fallout 4Vegas.
Is there an antiquememes instance?
Who in their right mind would ever think that any publicly traded company is consumer first? Their only goals are short term profit followed long term profits. Everything else is in pursuit of those two things.
You’re not wrong and the sky is the limit as long as we keep adding symbols!
What do you mean Alien has a value of 1? In Base26 it has a value of 674,116 and since it’s set in the future i think it’s reasonable that they use Base26.
I agree and also see lots of other acts that are political not get tagged as terrorism.