Make our brains FOSS! Why can’t I just tell my brain that now is sleeping time and it will just sleep?!
Me lowering my heart rate in the body.config file because I think I know better (a typo immediately kills me)
You own your brain…
i don’t know how to break this to you, but you are your brain.
you own it but also can’t really modify it
Lemme introduction you to my friends: drugs, TBIs, and dementia
Lemme introduction you
Wtf is wrong with me lately? Geez…
Dementia is just planned obsolescence
There’s a JTAG port in the base of the cortex for pushing firmware updates. Problem is, we lost the signing keys back in the neolithic. Thag got crushed by a mammoth before we had a chance to invent written language and write documentation.
But can it run Doom?
Yes, just imagine it, that is running doom on your hardware
Damn, I don’t have a inner eye so I can’t run doom on my hardware, I can only watch the strange demo mode of the game in my dreams.
I should really invest the time to program my brain with the lucid dreaming mod.
Do drugs
Seems to be a recurring theme here
I mean yeah bro if you wanna fuck with your brain chemistry, you gotta use chemistry.
Can’t modify it? Watch me.
grabs shotgun
I just want the user guide to be honest
Sadly, it’s paywalled behind a 200k med degree. Even then, there is a lot of inconsistent or missing documentation.
What does it even mean to say “I own my brain”? What is this “I” that’s doing the owning?
From my point of view it just seems like brain exists and that brain is having a subjective experience. The sense of self is just one of those experiences. It’s not real - there’s no self located within the brain. Atleast not that we know of.
That’s what my man the Buddha was saying 25 odd centuries ago. Yet here we are
Nah I shouldn’t be trusted with that power
If you think about it our consciousness is essentially has non-root access to the body. If we had root access we would be able to stop our hearts or stop parts of our body.
Shh! c/Linux will hear and try to install Linux on you.
But can I run Doom?
If you’re one of the people without aphantasia, sure!
I am my brain.
Which half are you? Each half of your brain is a separate entity.
Since you’re producing words you’re probably the left half of your brain.
*we are my brain.
I rooted a android device last night. I wish I could modify my brain like I do all the devices I use.
you can pay an expert for some upgrades, but they generally don’t do them unless something broke.
It’s a skill issue though.