I‘m more of a 525°R kind of guy
I‘m more of a 525°R kind of guy
26-27°C is already at the edge of becoming unbearably warm in summer. But 35? Where I live that’s a “hottest week of the year” kind of temperature. I‘d cook to death in my own sweat.
I also heat to like 18-20°C. Just wearing a hoodie is more than enough, most of the time. And for extra warmth while couching maybe a blanket. 26°C would be uncomfortably warm to me, even in just a tshirt. That’s summer temperatures. Above 20°-ish are tshirt temps.
And you get an annoying watermark. And an even more annoying operating system, so it’s not really worth it.
I mean, the idea is, that the tarriffed stuff becomes less attractive compared to the non-tarriffed stuff due to the higher price, so less people will buy it and instead the nationally produced alternatives thus strengthening the national economy and and weakening the tarriffed ones.
Of course that can only work with stuff that has nationally produced (or at least non-tarriffed) alternatives.
Yea. Used it for four things. To keep up to date with creators I like, to keep up to date with friends, to keep up to date with a bunch of webcomics and to randomly rant into the void when I felt like it.
Most phone cameras also have a much wider focal length than our eyes though, which makes faces look a bit skinnier. I definitely look better in wide angle than in reality or telephoto.