Salamanders. The ones with the most destructive weapons least interested in destruction
I were to purchase baking powder and disguise it as baking soda?
Hohoho, delightfully devilish
I thought ‘tomorrow’ was a day of the week. So when my mom would say we’d go somewhere ‘tomorrow’ I’d ask her every day if it was tomorrow yet, and she’d say no, and I’d keep waiting.
Baking powder only
Finnish student at my colorado high-school. He was one of the only kids in the school who smoked cigarettes, would want a break all the time. Also didn’t have much of an accent at all, said he was practicing English since kindergarten.
I think it was The Whale, in theaters with my sister
I saw a man walking down the street walking a parrot on a leash. I guess he didn’t want it flying away.
We found him
The good billionaire
The tag is the registration tag, it’s visible proof that the car is on register with the state(s) and is legal to be on the road
Just wanted to say I downloaded voyager, so now for the first time I can actually read your cool comics, and not just look at the cool cover art
wtf I never saw evangelion, what the hell is going on in there? you said that’s the ending?