It looks like you did not even save the file. Reminds me when I used my Commodore 64 and had to code in my entire program each boot (didn’t have a floppy drive or game carts)
It looks like you did not even save the file. Reminds me when I used my Commodore 64 and had to code in my entire program each boot (didn’t have a floppy drive or game carts)
I’m in the process of buying land to homestead on. Solar, rain water, green house, etc. my goal is to be as self sufficient as I can be.
I remember when I setup my Wordpress website years ago I had permission errors, so the Wordpress install needed read/write access to the website directory. Maybe the same in your case?
That’s awesome! GTA V just screwed everyone on Linux! What a rug pull.
Nope, not at that time.