I appreciate the great info listed here. And yes absolutely to your conclusion. I am wondering your thoughts on the Trump admin’s ability to come collect / how that might affect me long term.
I appreciate the great info listed here. And yes absolutely to your conclusion. I am wondering your thoughts on the Trump admin’s ability to come collect / how that might affect me long term.
Thank you daddy please spank me more
At one point when I heard that it was the only way to get forgiveness, I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
At one point when I heard that it was the only way to get forgiveness, I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
It’s infuriating that we have so much trash that needs throwing away. Most of those cans were probably empty in the morning.
Why did this comic make me look at panel 4 before panel 3?
Yeah, making election day a national holiday doesn’t help those of us who don’t get most holidays off.
In the classroom, on the floor, before class started, and was woken up when class was over.