Hamas supports a peaceful resolution and two state solution. They had a very nice peaceful march in 2019. Similar to the west bank. Even Hamas recent statements are very reasonable and try to reach a peaceful resolution.
Say ,which party is the violent one which tries to expand their Lebensraum and refuses all attempts at peace again? I recall there being an order for a party to directly distantle all their illegal colonies in the West Bank.
So you support Hamas?
If you’d take a look at Hamas ideology, I’d call that far from peaceful and respectful.
Hamas supports a peaceful resolution and two state solution. They had a very nice peaceful march in 2019. Similar to the west bank. Even Hamas recent statements are very reasonable and try to reach a peaceful resolution.
Say ,which party is the violent one which tries to expand their Lebensraum and refuses all attempts at peace again? I recall there being an order for a party to directly distantle all their illegal colonies in the West Bank.