Notice how there’s rarely an announcement for these things?
They had one a few months back. I was waiting for samurai jack to go on sale because of it and it never did. They wanted those games to fail it seems like.
☠️ Better user experience, perpetual access.
Bro what the fuck? I wanted to play that Samurai Jack game but I was just waiting for a decent sale (which never fucking happened).
What the fuck WB?! Are you gonna remove those cartoons from your fucking app now?
…a wooden sloop suddenly pulls up, and a man shouts out
“Arrrrrr there matey. Have you tried searching one of the repackers?”
Lol, if every company wants to push us to pirate everything then so-be-it, I guess. Blows my mind how many corporations are leaving money on the table these days because they can’t see past their eyelashes.
Oh another tax write off of already released content.