From this article about several cities lowering the speed limit of certain rods by 5mph.
This commenter always complains on any article about transportation.
From this article about several cities lowering the speed limit of certain rods by 5mph.
This commenter always complains on any article about transportation.
I once got stopped by the police because I was driving too perfect. They found it suspicious I was driving the speed limit when it was safe to drive faster. I was only driving the speed limit because I spotted them.
This happened to my sister because she was near a “bad neighborhood” and they needed some reason to search her car for drugs.
Following the laws is suspicious? 🤔
It really does seem like driving is the only activity in which laws are mostly optional. Every driver complains about cyclists not following the rules of the road, but they do things that are illegal or fail to take require actions all the time: speeding, rolling stops, switching lanes or turning without blinkers, illegal u-turns, etc. But if confronted it’s just “eh, it’s not a big deal, who cares?”
This is the type of thing my subconscious tells me to worry about, to which my consciousness says: There’s no chance that would ever actually happen, but apparently it can indeed happen…?