Also, if anyone has been to the national park named after him in Missouri, how is it?
It didn’t really get interesting until the day George Washington Carver ran into the guy that popularized chocolate.
“You got chocolate in my peanut butter!”
“Two greats tastes that taste great together.”
Peanut Rubbers are the condom of choice for Mr. Peanut. 🥜 🧐
Well THAT brings new life to the phrase “Bust a nut all up in a hoe, thrusting that cock to and fro”
Colonel Shepherd endorses Peanut Rubbers as the best condom on the citadel
I recently learned that Mr. Peanut’s real name is Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe. No joke.
My wife is allergic to peanuts. Guess we’re having more kids
I am intrigued by this peanut rubber. What sort of properties did it have and why aren’t we using it now? Or are we?
peanut rubber for WWII
Ok, it sounds like you’re making shit up, although I know it’s true.
There was also hemp oil and hemp rope, used extensively in planes and ships. Then it got criminalized (or re-criminalized, I forget) right after the war ended. Gotta keep those Dupont execs rolling in the patents money, amirite!Still, this is some gourmet Willy Wonka fantasy material.
Has a comic/manga made GWC into a steampunk superhero scientist yet?