Singh can’t win. He’s got no chance. Without ranked-choice, it’s a binary decision.
And, as always, vote for a party with the chance of bringing home better plan than the party with a chance of bringing home a worse plan. That means it’s another red vote, lest we lose a VERY narrow margin and end up hosting our hillbilly idiocracy and the greasy milhouse pulling the strings.
NDP has been the official opposition in the past. They have been getting enough seats to be part of a coalition government which has been great for the country.
More minority governments until we get electoral reform!
Singh can’t win. He’s got no chance. Without ranked-choice, it’s a binary decision.
And, as always, vote for a party with the chance of bringing home better plan than the party with a chance of bringing home a worse plan. That means it’s another red vote, lest we lose a VERY narrow margin and end up hosting our hillbilly idiocracy and the greasy milhouse pulling the strings.
NDP has been the official opposition in the past. They have been getting enough seats to be part of a coalition government which has been great for the country.
More minority governments until we get electoral reform!