Myself would be hella nice. I could get so much more stuff done, and switch workdays in/out with myself.
Also, [insert attractive person here], of course. :p
There’s this beautiful photo I can’t quite afford a nice print of. It’s of a bird flying in front of a solar eclipse in southwest America.
All of my data, I’m working on a good backup.
My bank account, I’ll gladly spend it twice :p
Ah, yes, a copy of my crush would have been really nice! 😉
Scarlett Johansson
Bitcoin wallet (and password) of someone who has a ton of it.
Doesn’t that mean you’d be stealing from the person because of how crypto works?
Why not just have a copy of a million pounds or something
On The Art of Dice by the Roman emperor Claudius would be both trivial and fascinating, I’m sure.
A copy of my mind in a computer.
Can you delete your browser history? I mean…not kinkshaming or anything… I’m just not into that kinda thing.
A full set of the Florentine Codex or/and a copy of the Laud Codex since reproductions are rare.
The original DVD release of The Room, a legitimate copy of Pokémon Emerald or Ruby, the official CD release of Blood Bagel by Red Vox and many more that I can’t think of right now.
Feel free to give me any of these in return for a friendly conversation /s
Just one?
More money