You know I’m something of a sysadmin myself
Welcome to the business!
Holly heavens! You have created something I couldn’t even see in my most enlightened visions
How I feel after removing the system itself (it was all bloat) (I can now live a carefree life, free of computers)
The root folder contains mostly everything, including the system
I usually just eat the system
I usually just eat the hard drives, I don’t like the taste of the batteries and the capacitors
I mean the physical system
The time I sudo chown -R conc:conc / because why bother with perms
I usually just eat the hard drive
Is that what Norman’s hair is supposed to look like in the comics?
The ultimate debloating
How i feel after removing all the bloat from my system (i own a mac and deleted my downloads folder)
How can you use a mac? It feels like a really unoptimised gnome, and your keyboard is all messed up
Scooping up a root folder alias without noticing and dumping it in the trash icon.