PhotonCamera uses advanced algorithms for capturing and processing raw images which give unmatched HDR outputs. PhotonCamera is currently in beta stage and is having rapid development.
HDRX - This functionality enables advanced stacking of many underexposed images and creates beautiful outputs.
Utilize each camera lens, by the main, wide, macro, telephoto or even IR, a functionality not available in other open source apps.
Manual Control - Easy to use knobs to control Focus, Shutter Speed and ISO on the go.
Configurable Settings :
Number of frames(maximum)
Shadow Strength
Interactive viewfinder
Enabling the grid
Enabling viewfinder rounding
Advanced mode settings
Save separate settings for each camera lens
Wide range of supported devices.
Their russian telegram channel has some opinions.
Besides a chemtrail conspiracy - reference there is a whoule channel for the ru-ukr war. I am unsure if it is in support of the war or not and translating it does not really clarify it (sentiment gets lost easily I guess).
Considering that, some clarification would be nice. Because I don’t think I would trust a software made by russian “patriots” (quote from the channel) in the current geopolitical landscape.
I didn’t check their Telegram. I just founded this on F-Droid and share it here.
Totally fair. I am just pointing it out here because it felt a bit icky when I saw it on the github page.
According to ExodusPrivacy on aurora store it has 2 trackers, cashlytic and firebase
Hey, it looks pretty neat! Finally I found a Foss camera that can use the wide len of my phone. I’ll be trying it for a while.
Impressive, it seems like higher quality then google cam, it has potential
Wtf is ApplicationDebuggable anti-feature?
It means it’s Debug Build. APK is signed by Build Key not Dev Key.
Ahh thanks!
Alas can’t install it on my phone (xperia 1ii) because “unsupported device”. Bummer, it seems actually great.
You tried Izzy on Droid version?
Yep, no dice, that’s why I came here to complain lol. Both Fdroid w/ Izzy on Droid and the Play Store say its “incompatible” with my phone
Has anyone found the supported device list? It seems to work well on mine but still says it isn’t supported.
It seems to work just fine on OnePlus 9 Pro but says “Warning unsupported device” when it starts.